2024 Meeting Schedule

Our meetings in 2024 will be held at 10 am on the dates shown.  Some of the meetings will be in person, possibly hybird (in person and Zoom) or only Zoom.  This is to be determined.

January13 – In Person – Presentation by Judy Russell, The Legal Genealogist – “NARA Mythbusters: Your Family IS in the Archives”

February 10 – Zoom only – We will view a YouTube video called “The Truth About FindAGrave” by Amy Johnson Crow. Discussion will follow.

March 9 – In Person – Genealogy 101 – The Center at Belvedere

April 13

May 11 – Our meeting will be Zoom (virtual) only.  The subject will be artificial intelligence or AI.  We will view a video that explains what AI is and how we can use it in our research.

June 8  There will not be a meeting, in person or virtually, on Saturday, June 8.

July 13  There will not be a meeting, in person or virtually, on Saturday, July 13.

August 10

September 14

October 12

November 9

December 14

You will receive an email reminder about these meetings.



2 thoughts on “2024 Meeting Schedule

  1. Is there anyone in the society or anyone that they know that can read cursive German of 1777? I have a copy of a Will that is in German cursive and I need two pages translated.

    Pat Wilczek

    • I have had good luck with my genealogy questions using some of the groups on Facebook. Two groups which may be helpful to you are the German Genealogy Records Transcription Group – they will TRANSCRIBE German script (which you can put into an online translator or otherwise translate), or the German Genealogy Translation Group – they will TRANSLATE German verbiage. I also met a fellow specializing in German Translation of old script and PA German topics at the Moravian Archives in Bethlehem, PA. I cannot vouch for him (although he seemed well known at the archives and was working on old German documents). Edward E Quinter, elquinter@aol.com. There would be a fee, I’d guess.

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