
Since there will not be a meeting on June 8, here are some suggestions for continuing your research:

FindMyPast is offering free access to its records from 6 June to 10 June.  Here is the link:
Legacy Family Tree is a subscription website but once the webinars are completed in person, they are available for a certain number of days free.  Check out some of these.  Always good information.
If you are into maps, check out
We are looking for speakers to do in person presentations.  If you would like to do a presentation or know of someone who does presentations, please let me know.

Zoom Meeting February 10, 2024

Tomorrow, February 10, 2024, Central Virginia Genealogical Association will meet by Zoom beginning at 10 a.m.  We will view a YouTube video called “The Truth About FindAGrave” by Amy Johnson Crow.

I hope you can join us for the video and a general genealogy discussion following the video.  A Zoom link has been sent to all members.


Legacy Family Tree Webinars is sponsoring free webinars on each Friday in September.  You can go to their website and register for these free webinars on Friday.  In order to obtain the syllabus or listen to a recording you do need to be a member and they are running a special membership rate during September.

Here is the URL:

Upcoming Events

In our virtual meeting today, the following events were mentioned.  All of these events are virtual.  You do need to register and there may be a fee.

Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree is from August 19 to August 29, 2022.  Registration for this event closes August 18 which is next week.                  

Virginia Genealogical Society Fall Conference, October 21 & 22, 2022.  Registration is open:

Fairfax Genealogical Society Fall Fair, October 22, 2022.  Check the website:




Meeting Saturday, March 12, 2022 CANCELLED

Due to the weather forecast for tomorrow, the in person/zoom session for Saturday, March 12, 2022 has been cancelled. We are sorry to do this but the forecasters seem to think that the worse weather will be in the morning hours.  As one forecaster said, the old groundhog did predict six more weeks of bad weather.  Hopefully spring is around the corner!
Check out the National Archives site for information about the 1950 census – due to be released April 1, 2022 – only 20 days away!

RootsTech 3-5 March 2022

Just a reminder that RootsTech is a virtual online event and is FREE.  The speakers and the seminars are wonderful. You can access the site 24 hours a day.  To participate in all that is being offered, you do need to register which means you will have to establish an account at FamilySearch.  It is easy.  You provide a user name and password and then register.  Here is the website:

Virtual Conferences in October

Here are two fall conferences you might want to check out.

The Virginia Genealogical Society Fall Conference is scheduled for Friday, October 15 and Saturday, October 16.  Registration is required.  You can see the schedule at their website

The Genealogical Research Institute of Virginia (GRIVA) Virtual Fall Conference is scheduled for Saturday, October 2. Registration is required.  The schedule is at their website

Library of Virginia Genealogy Workshop

A workshop on Private Papers at the Library of Virginia will be held virtually on April 9, 2021 from 10 am to 11 am.  In addition to state and county records, the Library of Virginia holds nongovernment papers such as Bible records, family papers, letters, organization records, and business records. There is a $15 charge and you must register to attend.  See the calendar at the Library of Virginia website for additional information and registration.