Fairfax Genealogical Society 2019 Conference and Expo
“Find Your Missing Branches”
Fairfax, Virginia, January 15, 2019 – The Fairfax Genealogical Society announces its 2019 Annual Spring Conference and Genealogical Expo to be held April 5 and 6, 2019 at the Reston Sheraton Hotel, Reston, VA.
The conference (usually attended by several hundred individuals from throughout the Mid-Atlantic regions) will offer genealogists and family researchers (from beginning to advanced levels) the opportunity to hear nationally recognized speakers and consultants in a two-day program of lectures and workshops.
Programs featured in this year’s conference include: Beginning and Intermediate DNA Research; Finding and Telling our Hidden Stories; Whiskey, Brandy, and Southern Migration; Researching in Libraries and Archives; African American Research; Colonial Land, Law and Religion; Virginia Research; and other topics. In addition to 40 individual programs, conference attendees may arrange private consultations and browse numerous vendors selling books, maps, CDs, and other items of interest to historians and family researchers.
Friday’s keynote speaker will be Diahan Southard, Genetic Genealogy Specialist. Building on her background in microbiology, Southard writes and lectures about genetic genealogy and making the technical understandable. Saturday’s keynote speaker will be Mark Lowe, a professional genealogist specializing in using Southern resources and original records and manuscripts.
The conference will run from 9 am to 8 pm on Friday, April 5th and from 9 am to 3:45 pm on Saturday, April 6th. Prior to March 15, fees for Society members are $75 one-day-only attendance, or $90 for both days. Non-members fees are $75 for one-day or $110 for both days.
Conference registration can be completed online at the Society’s web page, www.fxgs.org/2019conference.