The 1950 census will be released at 12:01 am on April 1, 2022. It will not be indexed. You can search the census if you know your enumeration district. Ancestry has a 1950 census district finder on their opening page. You will need to input an address to find the enumeration district. Once you have done this, you can also choose to be notified by email when Ancestry completes an index for a state that you are interested in.
Category Archives: Events
Meeting Saturday, March 12, 2022 CANCELLED
RootsTech 3-5 March 2022
Just a reminder that RootsTech is a virtual online event and is FREE. The speakers and the seminars are wonderful. You can access the site 24 hours a day. To participate in all that is being offered, you do need to register which means you will have to establish an account at FamilySearch. It is easy. You provide a user name and password and then register. Here is the website:
No Meeting Saturday January 8, 2022
Happy New Year!
Due to continuing power and internet outages caused by the snowstorm earlier this week, there will NOT be a virtual or in-person meeting for the Central Virginia Genealogical Association on Saturday, January 8, 2022.
Virtual Meeting Saturday, December 11 at 10 am
Our last meeting of 2021 will take place on Saturday, December 11 at 10 am. It will be a virtual meeting.
Shelley Murphy will present a program – Black Patriots in the Revolutionary War. This program will introduce you to several Black Patriots and will provide tips for researching the Revolutionary War period.
The Zoom link will be emailed on Friday.
1950 Census Coming April 1, 2022
Here is some more information about the 1950 census and how the enumerators were instructed to use a map.
Virginia Genealogical Society Fall Virtual Conference
VGS Fall Virtual Conference is October 15 and 16, 2021.
Here is a link to the VGS page with information about the program and cost for this conference. Lots of great speakers and topics.
1950 Census coming April 1, 2022
Differences between 1940 and 1950 census:
Registration needed for Virtual Meeting tomorrow September 11, 2021
Virtual Meeting September 11 Speaker Thomas MacEntee “Successful Collateral and Cluster Searching”
Our special speaker will be Thomas MacEntee of Genealogy Thomas will present a program about “Successful Collateral and Cluster Searching”. Thomas is a genealogy professional, a “tech guy”, blogger, educator, author and more. Please join us on Saturday, September 11, 2021 at 10 am for his presentation.